a. You see your biggest growth and achievement as being in the past, and you’re just holding on tight to what you have.

b. You have admired others who have achieved so much and you cannot wait to follow in their footsteps.

c. Your success and achievements have been what you had hoped, and you are okay with either letting those be the “best of” or accomplishing more, but there is no real push for driving yourself to your next thing.

d. You are fulfilled with your accomplishments and believe that there is more to come, no matter what happens from here on out. You see that everything you’ve done in the past is just preparation for much greater growth, progress, and achievement for your future.


a. You find it difficult to commit to anything long-term because you can’t depend on your ability to stay the course since you have already done so much.

b. You are persistent, and pushing yourself is important to you, and you strive to always be ahead.

c. You have been satisfied with your persistence and you are in a good place and don’t really need to push hard any longer.

d. You are continually building your reputation of always achieving whatever you publicly commit to completing.


a. You never see the situations of your life in terms of mutual growth with others, because you think others may (or do) take advantage of you.

b. You have given a lot to those you want to support but have a lot more to give. You are excited about the possibility of giving back to those who are coming up behind you and learning from those who you want to emulate.

c. You have given a lot over the years to entrepreneurs, friends, and family. Now it is your turn to be on your own and find your own path without the complications of others.

d. You immediately create new capabilities, resources, and opportunities for those who are creating them for you. It energizes you to create opportunities for those who create them for you.


a. You feel that mindfulness and techniques like it are a waste of time, or are not reliable when thinking about decision-making and personal growth.

b. You realize that mindfulness is the ticket to expansion and reaching new horizons. You want to figure out new ways to experience mindfulness in a paced way.

c. Your level of mindfulness is exactly what you had hoped, and you are happy with your current outlook on life.

d. You feel that mindfulness practices are inherent to your success and your growth. You are constantly seeking new ways of thinking and practicing mindfulness techniques to enhance sleep, performance, and balance in your life.


a. You discourage, resist, and ignore feedback to push beyond your limits, so you can remain part of the team. You are not comfortable standing up or standing out in a crowd.

b. You think of yourself as bold but also realize you could be more courageous, and show up differently. You admire bravery and seek ways to increase how boldly you show up daily.

c. You are bold and have gotten where you are because of it and don’t feel a craving to be more courageous in your day-to-day life.

d. You always are seeking ways to stand up, stand out, and say what you think in order to find alignment and purpose with people you resonate with.


a. Your biggest goal now is to hold on to what you have built, and to get through to retirement without having to change anything substantial.

b. You aspire to have a more expanded growth mindset and are seeking ways to push beyond your current mindset to see new horizons.

c. You are currently satisfied and fulfilled with your mindset and you do not need to grow it beyond where you are right now.

d. You love being challenged to change your mindset and behaviors in response to the changing world and the new concepts you learn along the way.


a. You are in a stressful environment in which you are unable or unwilling to be yourself, in an effort to protect yourself from others who want what you have.

b. You believe that authentic people are admirable and want to become more authentically who you are, as you grow to know and understand yourself.

c. Your authenticity has been important to your success thus far, and you are as authentic as it gets!

d. You live each day being yourself, you embrace your uniqueness and know that your special “vibe” brings magic to every situation.


a. You are uncomfortable trying new activities and love your tired and true exercise and day-to-day schedule.

b. You see adventure as something you aspire to incorporate more of in your life, and it is exhilarating to think you could be more so on vacations, weekends, and how you plan activities.

c. You are adventurous and do not need to push the boundaries in that area of your life anymore, and enjoy your current practices and experiences.

d. You seek out trying new activities, exercises, and adventure is your middle name. You love to do things that make you feel exhilarated. At least you will try it once, even if you leave not wanting to do it again.